Who are we?

We are progressive. On-the-go. 

And yet, we find zen moments and cherish special rituals.

It’s true, believe it or not. It never suited me. And it’s just part of the reason I started this brand. Ever since I discovered matcha, it became my thing, my go-to. It carried me through my hard moments, and lifted me up to my biggest potentials. I want that for everyone. So let’s dive in the Matchaverse together!

Oh and btw, buckle up for a lot more than just matcha.

Hi, I’m Rahela.
I never drank coffee.

Story behind the name

SAMO Matcha is more than a product. It’s a vibe.

The name represents that vibe.
It represents our core values: self-care, self-confidence, self-awareness, independance.
Or in Croatian: SAMOpouzdanje, SAMOsvjesnost, SAMOstalnost.

In Japanese, SA MO means “very similar to”, “just like somebody”, which shows the aspiration to be just like that.

Matcha helps you achieve it.

It’s giving…


    Working on yourself first is crucial. We are here to help you with that.


    It’s perfectly ok not to be perfect. It’s actually impossible. The best we can do is find a balance between the highs and lows.

  • FUN & JOY

    Life is not about taking yourself too seriously. Be silly, have fun and enjoy in little moments that spark joy.


    We follow ikigai principles, doing what has a meaning for us. Try to find that too and live your most authentic life.

The Matchaverse philosophy

The idea behind SAMO Matcha is primarily balance and beauty in imperfections.

We promote authenticity and balance between busy everyday life and ritual moments of peace. Some days we are in a rush, tired, stressed out, have urgent tasks waiting for us, and then it is difficult to take a few moments for ourselves, workout or do yoga. Also, sometimes we go out on the weekends, eat fast food and binge Netflix all Sunday.

And that's perfectly fine. We are not perfect. But then let's refocus, get a good night's sleep, be active, eat good food, be productive and treat yourself to a few zen moments.

That is the reality of life. The balance between every day madness and returning to yourself, your inner peace.

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